INSURWAVE case study: information rearchitecture
Problem/Pain Points
Getting lost, discoverability of information was lowering due to incremental feature releases, hierarchy was lost
Secondary research/Hotjar showed that users were going in circles (u-turns) when navigating Policies screens.
Create a more enjoyable experience that was simple to navigate, to access information quicker and easier.
IA Workshop
Highlight all possible actions/flows within our platform
Created cards
Asked participants to group these actions how they saw fit
Name these groups
We took the results and grouped themes
This became the base of our IA
Design Research (best practice)/Sketching
Changing main nav position - fail
(breaking familiarity)
Two-pane view - success
(less clicks to access information more quickly)
Validated at user testing - users wanted to quickly repeat the same action to multiple assets, which this unlocked.
Removing Policy views from the Risk Map
(relevant context for functionality to make information structured and intuitive to find)
Introducing hierarchy of information within Policy context
User Testing
Validated design decisions, general consensus was that layout and hierarchy was much clearer and information was easier to find
High fidelity designs
Old brand screens
Collaboration with Product Owner and Engineering Team
NPS Score
Reduced U-Turns
Feedback from users